Articles (Since 2014)
Takahashi, H. G. (2024). Role of Tropical Disturbances along the South Asian Monsoon Trough in the 2022 Pakistan Floods and the Implications for Interannual Variability. Journal of Climate, 37(21), 5609-5627. [Web Page]
Kitabayashi, S., & Takahashi, H. G. (2024). Seasonal Dependence of Recovery From Surface Cooling Induced by Strong Tropical Volcanic Eruptions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(6), e2023JD038788. [Web Page]
Takahashi, H. G., Sugimoto, S., & Sato, T. (2024). Impact of spring land-surface conditions over the Tibetan Plateau on the early summer Asian monsoon using an AGCM large ensemble. Climate Dynamics. [Web Page]
Tang, J., Xue, Y., Long, M., Ma, M., Liang, X.-Z., Sugimoto, S., Yang, K., Ji, Z., Hong, J., Kim, J., Xu, H., Zhou, X., Sato, T., Takahashi, H. G., Wang, S., Wang, G., Chou, S. C., Guo, W., Yu, M., & Pan, X. (2023). Regional climate model intercomparison over the Tibetan Plateau in the GEWEX/LS4P Phase I. Climate Dynamics. [Web Page]
Takahashi, H. G., Kiguchi, M., & Sugimoto, S. (2023). Floods and Droughts in Asia, Europe, and America. In H. Akimoto & H. Tanimoto (Eds.), Handbook of Air Quality and Climate Change (pp. 1181-1210). Springer Nature Singapore. [Web Page]
Yamaji, M., and H. G. Takahashi, 2023: Seasonal differences of precipitation and microphysical characteristics over the Asian monsoon region using spaceborne dual-frequency precipitation radar. J. Atmos. Sci., doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-22-0198.1, in press. [Web Page]
Terao, T., Kanae, S., Fujinami, H., Das, S., Dimri, A. P., Dutta, S., Fujita, K., Fukushima, A., Ha, K., Hirose, M., Hong, J., Kamimera, H., Kayastha, R. B., Kiguchi, M., Kikuchi, K., Kim, H. M., Kitoh, A., Kubota, H., Ma, W., Ma, Y., Mujumdar, M., Nodzu, M. I., Sato, T., Su, Z., Sugimoto, S., Takahashi, H. G., Takaya, Y., Wang, S., Yang, K., Yokoi, S., and Matsumoto, J., 2022: AsiaPEX: Challenges and Prospects in Asian Precipitation Research, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0220.1. [Web Page]
Sugimoto, S., Xue, Y., Sato, T., and Takahashi, H.G., 2022: Influence of convective processes on weather research and forecasting model precipitation biases over East Asia. Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-022-06587-5. [Web Page]
Takahashi, H. G., Kiguchi, M., and Sugimoto, S., 2022: Floods and Droughts in Asia, Europe, and America. In H. Akimoto and H. Tanimoto (Eds.), Handbook of Air Quality and Climate Change (pp. 1-30). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. [Web Page]
Gupta, A., and H. G. Takahashi, 2021: Long-term changes in spatially coherent extreme precipitation systems over Central India. Atmos. Sci. Lett., e1118, doi: 0.1002/asl.1118. [Web Page]
Sugimoto, S., K. Ueno, H. Fujinami, T. Nasuno, T. Sato, and H. G. Takahashi, 2021: Cloud-Resolving-Model Simulations of Nocturnal Precipitation over the Himalayan Slopes and Foothills. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 22, 12, 3171-3188, doi: 10.1175/jhm-d-21-0103.1. [Web page]
Hoshi, R., and H. G. Takahashi, 2021: Role of Oceanic Memory Effects in the Barents Sea in the Seasonal Linkage Between the Winter and Summer Arctic Oscillation. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 126, 23, e2021JD034799, doi: 10.1029/2021JD034799. [Web page]
Takahashi, H.G. and Fujinami, H., 2021: Recent decadal enhancement of Meiyu–Baiu heavy rainfall over East Asia. Sci. Rep., 11, 13665, doi:10.1038/s41598-021-93006-0. [Web Page]
[Press Release]
Manalo, J.A., Matsumoto, J., Takahashi, H.G., Villafuerte, M.Q., II, Olaguera, L.M.P., Ren, G. and Cinco, T.A., 2021: The Effect of Urbanization on Temperature Indices in the Philippines. Int. J. Climatol. Accepted Author Manuscript, doi:10.1002/joc.7276. [Web Page]
Xue, Y., Yao, T., Boone, A. A., Diallo, I., Liu, Y., Zeng, X., Lau, W. K.-M., Sugimoto, S., Tang, Q., Pan, X., van Oevelen, P. J., Klocke, D., Koo, M.-S., Lin, Z., Takaya, Y., Sato, T., Ardilouze, C., Saha, S. K., Zhao, M., Liang, X.-Z., Vitart, F., Li, X., Zhao, P., Neelin, D., Guo, W., Yu, M., Qian, Y., Shen, S. S. P., Zhang, Y., Yang, K., Leung, R., Yang, J., Qiu, Y., Brunke, M. A., Chou, S. C., Ek, M., Fan, T., Guan, H., Lin, H., Liang, S., Materia, S., Nakamura, T., Qi, X., Senan, R., Shi, C., Wang, H., Wei, H., Xie, S., Xu, H., Zhang, H., Zhan, Y., Li, W., Shi, X., Nobre, P., Qin, Y., Dozier, J., Ferguson, C. R., Balsamo, G., Bao, Q., Feng, J., Hong, J., Hong, S., Huang, H., Ji, D., Ji, Z., Kang, S., Lin, Y., Liu, W., Muncaster, R., Pan, Y., Peano, D., de Rosnay, P., Takahashi, H. G., Tang, J., Wang, G., Wang, S., Wang, W., Zhou, X., and Zhu, Y.: Impact of Initialized Land Surface Temperature and Snowpack on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project, Phase I (LS4P-I): Organization and Experimental design. Geosci. Model Dev., accepted.
Takahashi, Hiroshi G., 2020: Long‐term trends in snowfall characteristics and extremes in Japan from 1961 to 2012. International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.6960. [Web Page]
Takahashi, Hiroshi G., and Takuya Yamazaki, 2020: Impact of sea surface temperature near Japan on the extra-tropical cyclone induced heavy snowfall in Tokyo by a regional atmospheric model, SOLA, doi:10.2151/sola.2020-035. [Web Page]
Takahashi, H. G., N. Kamizawa, T. Nasuno, Y. Yamada, C. Kodama, S. Sugimoto, and M. Satoh, 2020: Response of the Asian Summer Monsoon Precipitation to Global Warming in a High-Resolution Global Nonhydrostatic Model. J. Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0824.1. [Web Page]
[Press Release]
Rakesh T. Konduru and Hiroshi G. Takahashi, 2020: Effects of convection representation and model resolution on diurnal precipitation cycle over the Indian monsoon region - Towards a convection-permitting regional climate simulation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD032150, doi: 10.1029/2019JD032150. [Web Page]
Yamaji, M., H. G. Takahashi, T. Kubota, R. Oki, A. Hamada, and Y. N. Takayabu, 2020: 4-year climatology of global drop size distribution and its seasonal variability observed by spaceborne Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, 755-773, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2020-038. [Web Page]
Special Edition on Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM): 5th Anniversary,
Sugimoto, S., H. G. Takahashi, and H. Sekiyama, 2019: Modification of Near-Surface Temperature Over East Asia Associated With Local-Scale Paddy Irrigation. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 124, 2665-2676, doi:10.1029/2018JD029434. [Web Page]
Takahashi, H. G., and J. Polcher, 2019: Weakening of rainfall intensity on wet soils over the wet Asian monsoon region using a high-resolution regional climate model. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 6, 26, doi:10.1186/s40645-019-0272-3. [Web Page]
Kamizawa, N., and H. G. Takahashi, 2018: Projected Trends in Interannual Variation in Summer Seasonal Precipitation and Its Extremes over the Tropical Asian Monsoon Regions in CMIP5. J. Climate, 31, 8421-8439, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0685.1. [Web Page]
Takahashi, H.G., Watanabe, S., Nakata, M., and Takemura, T. 2018: Response of the atmospheric hydrological cycle over the tropical. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS), 5, 44, [Web Page]
Takahashi, H.G., 2018: A Systematic Tropospheric Dry Bias in the Tropics in CMIP5 Models: Relationship between Water Vapor and Rainfall Characteristics. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II, 96, 4, 415-423, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2018-046. [Web Page]
Takahashi, H.G., and J. Mae B. Dado, 2018: Relationship between Sea Surface Temperature and Rainfall in the Philippines during the Asian Summer Monsoon. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan. Ser. II, 96, 3, 283-290, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2018-031. [Web Page]
Dado, J.M.B., and H.G. Takahashi, 2017: Potential impact of sea surface temperature on rainfall over the western Philippines, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS), 4, doi:10.1186/s40645-017-0137-6.
Sugimoto, S. and H.G. Takahashi, 2017: Seasonal differences in precipitation sensitivity to soil moisture in Bangladesh and surrounding regions, Journal of Climate. [Web Page]
Ono, M., and H.G. Takahashi, 2016: Seasonal transition of precipitation characteristics associated with land surface conditions in and around Bangladesh, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JD025218. [Web Page]
Takahashi, H.G., 2016: Seasonal and diurnal variations in rainfall characteristics over the tropical Asian monsoon region using TRMM-PR data, SOLA (Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere), 12A, 22-26, doi:10.2151/sola.12A-005. (Accepted on August, 2016). [Web Page]
Sugimoto, S. and H.G. Takahashi, 2016: Effect of Spatial Resolution and Cumulus Parameterization on Simulated Precipitation over South Asia, SOLA (Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere). [Web Page]
Tanaka, K., T. Chatchai, W. Decha, N. Tanaka, H.G. Takahashi, N. Yoshifuji, Y. Igarashi, T. Sato, and M. Suzuki, 2015: Earlier Leaf Flush Associated with Increased Teak Defoliation, Forest Science. (Published on Dec. 20, 2015) [Web Page]
Takahashi, H.G., S.A. Adachi, T. Sato, M. Hara, X. Ma, and F. Kimura, 2015: An Oceanic Impact of the Kuroshio on Surface Air Temperature on the Pacific Coast of Japan in Summer: Regional H2O Greenhouse Gas Effect, Journal of Climate, Vol. 28, No.18, September 2015: 7128-7144. (Published on September, 2015) [Web Page]
Kodama, C., Y. Yamada, A. Noda, K. Kikuchi, Y. Kajikawa, T. Nasuno, T.Tomita, T. Yamaura, H.G. Takahashi, M. Hara, Y. Kawatani, M. Satoh, and M. Sugi, 2015: A 20-year climatology of a NICAM AMIP-type simulation, JMSJ, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2015-024. (Published on August, 2015) [Web Page]
Sugimoto, S., T. Sato, and T. Sasaki, 2015: Seasonal and diurnal variability in historical warming due to the urbanization of Hokkaido, Japan, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres.(Published on June. 05, 2015) [Web Page]
Sugimoto, S., T. Sato, and T. Sasaki, 2015: Impact of Land-Use Change on Winter Precipitation in Hokkaido, Japan, SOLA (Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere).(Published on June. 27, 2015) [Web Page]
Matsumura, S., S. Sugimoto, and T. Sato, 2014: Recent intensification of the western Pacific subtropical high associated with East Asian summer monsoon, Journal of Climate. (Accepted on Dec. 31, 2014) [Web Page]
Inatsu, M., T. Sato, T. J. Yamada, R. Kuno, S. Sugimoto, M. A. Farukh, Y. N. Pokhrel, and S. Kure, 2014: Multi-GCM by multi-RAM experiments for dynamical downscaling on summertime climate change in Hokkaido, Atmospheric Science Letters. (Published on Jan. 27, 2015) [Web Page]
Takahashi, H.G., H. Fujinami, T. Yasunari, J. Matsumoto, and S. Baimoung, 2014: Role of tropical cyclones along the monsoon trough in the 2011 Thai flood and interannual variability, Journal of Climate. (Accepted on Nov. 6, 2014) [Web Page]
(Partly supported by GRENE-ei, JAXA-PMM7)
Yamaji, M. and H.G. Takahashi, 2014: Asymmetrical interannual variation in aerosol optical depth over the tropics in terms of aerosol-cloud interaction, SOLA (Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere), doi:10.2151/sola.2014-039. (accepted on Oct. 27, 2014) [Web Page]
(Partly supported by GRENE-ei, JAXA-PMM7)
Yamashima, R., J. Matsumoto, K. Takata, and H.G. Takahashi, 2014: Impact of historical land-use changes on the Indian summer monsoon onset, International Journal of Climatology. [Web Page]
(Partly supported by GRENE-ei)
Inoue, R. and Takahashi, H. G. 2023. Interannual variability of the precipitation during the Baiu withdrawal from the seasonal change of the monsoon circulations. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2023 Fall Meeting 124: 86, October, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Matsugishi, S., Ohno, T., Ito, J., Satoh, M., Kajikawa, Y., Kawai, Y., Nakano, M., Takahashi, H. G., Takasuka, D., Tomita, H. and Yashiro, H. 2023. Deep convection and energy spectrum in ultra-high resolution global simulations. Abstracts of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023: AAS01-02, May, Chiba.
Matsugishi, S., Ohno, T., Ito, J., Satoh, M., Kajikawa, Y., Kawai, Y., Nakano, M., Takahashi, H. G., Takasuka, D., Tomita, H. and Yashiro, H. 2023. A few hundred-meter global simulations. Abstracts of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023: AAS08-09, May, Chiba.
Takahashi, H. G. 2023. Progress in the Study of Precipitation Characteristics of the Asian Monsoon. Symposium in the Meteorological Society of Japan 2023 Spring Meeting, "Multilateral Progresses of the Asian Summer Monsoon", May, Bunkyo-ku.
Takahashi, H. G., Nakaegawa, T., Endo, H., Takaya, Y., Ose, T. and Kamizawa, N. 2023. Classification of the atmospheric circulations during the hot days in western Japan. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2023 Fall Meeting 124: 199, October, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi, H. G. 2022. Future changes in the Asian summer monsoon precipitation projected by CMIP6 models. Abstracts of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022: AAS01-06, May, Chiba.
Kitabayashi, S. and Takahashi, H. G. 2022. Fast and Slow Responses of Surface Air Temperature to the Increasing Anthropogenic Aerosols in the Asia Monsoon Region. Abstracts of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022: AAS08-P04, May, Chiba. (Poster)
Manalo, J.A., Matsumoto. J., Takahashi, H. G., Villafuerte II, M.Q., Olaguera L.M.P., Ren, G. and Cinco, T.A. 2022. The urbanization effect on temperature indices in the Philippines from 1951 to 2018. The 35th International Geographical Congress, July, Online.
Manalo, J.A., Matsumoto. J., Takahashi, H. G., Villafuerte II, M.Q., Olaguera L.M.P., Ren, G. and Cinco, T.A. 2022. The effect of urbanization on temperature indices in the Philippines. Vietnam International Water Week VACI2022, September, Online.
Sengoku, K., Takahashi, H., Fujibe, F. and Takahashi, H. G. 2022. The statistical features and synoptic scale characteristics of Cold-Air Damming in the Kanto Plain. The 75th Japanese Study Group for Climate Impact and Application, April, Online. (in Japanese)
Sugimoto, S., Xue, Y., Sato, T. and Takahashi, H. G. 2022. Influence of the cumulus parameterization scheme on June precipitation over the land in East Asia. Abstracts of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022: AAS08-10, May, Chiba.
Takahashi, H. G., Sugimoto, S. and Sato, T. 2022. Isolated impact of land-surface condition over the Tibetan Plateau in late spring on the Asian monsoon circulation in early summer from a large-ensemble dataset. Abstracts of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022: AAS08-09, May, Chiba.
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi H.G. 2021. Projected long-term changes in the Asian summer monsoon precipitation in CMIP6. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2021 Fall Meeting 120: 390, December, Tsu. (in Japanese)
Kitabayashi, S. and Takahashi, H. G. 2021. Climate response to anthropogenic aerosols and related SST variabilities including ENSO in the Asian monsoon region. Abstracts of European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021: EGU21-14099, April, Online.
Kitabayashi, S. and Takahashi, H. G. 2021. Climate impact of anthropogenic aerosols in the South Asian monsoon region and contribution of SST-related response including ENSO. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2021 Spring Meeting 119: 71, May, Online (in Japanese).
Kitabayashi, S. and Takahashi, H. G. 2021. Climate response to anthropogenic aerosols in the Asian monsoon region and its relationship with SST feedbacks. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2021 Autumn Meeting 120: 67, December, Tsu (in Japanese).
Kitabayashi, S. and Takahashi, H. G. 2021. Surface air temperature response to anthropogenic aerosols including SST feedbacks in the Asian monsoon region. Abstracts of the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021: A35K-1802, December, Online.
Konduru, R. T. and Takahashi, H. G. 2021. On the Sensitivity of land-atmosphere coupling to the model mesh sizes during the Indian summer monsoon: Based on high-resolution regional climate simulations. Abtsracts of Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021: A-CG32, May, Online.
Konduru, R. T. and Takahashi, H. G. 2021. Sensitivity of precipitation intensity and frequency to the land surface resolution in explicit convection climate simulations over South Asian region. The fifth Convection-Permitting Modeling Workshop 2021 (CPM2021; A2-22): High-Resolution Climate Modeling and Hazards, September, Online.
Konduru, R. T., Takahashi, H. G. and Matsumoto, J. 2022. Explicit convection regional climate simulation of eastward propagating diurnal precipitation over south India: Role of gravity waves and monsoon low-level circulation. 2022 SPARC Gravity Wave Symposium, March, Online.
Manalo, J.A., Matsumoto, J., Takahashi, H. G., Villafuerte, M. Q., Olaguera, L. M. P., Ren, G. and Cinco, T. A. 2021. The effect of urbanization on temperature indices in the Philippines. Abstracts of the Japan Geosciences Union Meeting 2021: C002539, June, Online.
Sengoku, K., Takahashi, H., Fujibe, F. and Takahashi, H. G. 2021. Climatological features of Cold-Air Damming in Kanto Plain. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2021 Autumn Meeting 120: 129, December, Online. (in Japanese)
Takahashi, H. G. 2021. Role of tropical cyclones along the monsoon trough in the future changes of the Asian monsoon precipitation by high-resolution models. Abstracts of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021: EGU21-13986, April, Online.
Yamaji, M., Takahashi, H. G. and Matsumoto, J. 2021. Precipitation characteristics over the Asian Monsoon region by the TRMM/GPM long-term precipitation radar dataset. GPM-Satellite Simulator Joint Research Meeting, March, Online. (in Japanese)
Gupta, A. and Takahashi, H. G. 2021. Spatial extent of extreme precipitation systems over the Indian summer monsoon region. Abstracts of Workshop on Indian Ocean Variability and Teleconnections: P15, March, Online.
Konduru, R.T. and Takahashi, H. G. 2021. Representation of diurnal cycle of summer monsoon precipitation in the convection-permitting climate model and its sensitivity to the current generation cumulus parameterizations. Abstracts of 12th Tropical Meteorology Study Group Meeting, March, Online.
Gupta, A. and Takahashi, H. G. 2020. Long-term climatology of the spatially coherent extreme precipitation systems over the Central Indian region. Abstracts of the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: A182-0012, December, Online.
Takahashi, H. G. and Kamizawa, N. 2020. Role of the monsoon trough and tropical cyclone activity on the interannual and long-term variations of the Asian monsoon precipitation. Abstracts of the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: A228-0018, December, Online.
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi, H. G. 2020. Understanding the 2018 heatwave in Japan from the Pacific-Japan teleconnection pattern and its relationship with the seasonal march of the Asian summer monsoon. Abstracts of the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: A189-0020, December, Online.
Takahashi, H. G. 2020. Impact of sea surface temperature near Japan on a snowfall event in Tokyo. The 22nd Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Numerical Models, November, Online.
Kohara, N. and Takahashi, H. G. 2020. Relationship between snowfall on the Kanto region and the south-coast cyclone track, focusing on the Kuroshio path. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2020 Autumn Meeting 118: 73, October, Online. (in Japanese)
Gupta, A. and Takahashi, H. G. 2020. A new light on the long-term trends of extreme rainfall characteristics over Central India. Abstracts of JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: AAS10-05, July, Online.
Kitabayashi, S. and Takahashi, H. G. 2020. Surface air temperature response to large-scale volcanic eruptions and its relationship with ENSO. Abstracts of JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: A-AS11-P13, July, Online.
Konduru, R.T. and Takahashi, H. G. 2020. Frequency of noon/afternoon convective precipitation dominates on wet surface conditions over Indian monsoon region. Abstracts of JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: AAS10-P15, July, Online.
Pham-Thi, T. and Takahashi, H. G. 2020. Long-term trends and interannual variability in precipitation over Vietnam during 1984-2016. Abstracts of JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020: AAS10-P06, July, Online.
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi H. G.. 2020. Effect of the Pacific–Japan teleconnection on the 2018 heatwave in Japan and its relationship with the seasonal march of the Asian summer monsoon. Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2018 Autumn Meeting 97: 132, March, Setagaya-ku. (in Japanese)
Kitabayashi, S. and Takahashi, H. G. 2020. Surface air temperature response to large-scale volcanic eruptions and its relationship with ENSO. Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 97: 239, March, Setagaya-ku. (in Japanese)
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi H. G.. 2019. Roles of the Pacific-Japan teleconnection pattern on the 2018 heatwave in Japan and its association with the dramatic seasonal march of the Asian summer monsoon. A workshop on tropical meteorology, December, Toyama. (in Japanese)
Yamaji, M., Takahashi, H. G., Kubota, T., Oki, R., Hamada, A. and Takayabu, Y. N. 2019: Gloal Drop Size Distribution observed by GPM/DPR. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2019 Fall Meeting 116: 447, October 2019, Fukuoka. (in Japanese).
Kitabayashi, S. and Takahashi, H. G. 2019. Surface air temperature response to large volcanic eruptions: Difference in the phase of ENSO. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2019 Autumn Meeting 116: 363, October, Fukuoka. (in Japanese)
Yamaji, M., Takahashi, H. G., Kubota, T., Oki, R., Hamada, A., and Takayabu. Y. N. 2019: Gloal Drop Size Distribution observed by GPM/DPR. Poster1-01, 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, September 2019, Nara, Japan.
Takahashi, H. G., Sugimoto, S. and Fujinami, H. 2019. Role of land-atmospheric interactions in the diurnal variation of precipitation over the Asian monsoon region. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2019 Spring Meeting 115: 342, May, Shibuya-ku. (in Japanese)
Sugimoto, S. and Takahashi, H. G. 2019. Importance of high resolution experiments over Tibetan and Himalayan regions. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2019 Spring Meeting 115: 341, May, Shibuya-ku. (in Japanese)
Kitabayashi, S. and Takahashi, H. G. 2019. Dependence of variability of surface air temperature by volcanic eruptions on the phase of ENSO. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2019 Spring Meeting 115: 252, May, Shibuya-ku. (in Japanese)
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi H.G. 2018. Projected changes in the Asian summer monsoon precipitation using a large ensemble AGCM experiment. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018: A11N-2472, December, Washington D. C., USA. (poster)
Takahashi, H.G. 2018. Long-term trends in snowfall over Japan, The 11th International Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth. The 11th Annual ACRE Meeting, ACRE Japan, ACRE SE Asia-2, ACRE China-3, and C3S Data Rescue Service (DRS) Workshops: November, Hachioji. (poster)
Konduru, R.T. and Takahashi, H.G. 2018. Continental-scale simulation of diurnal variations in South Asian summer monsoon: Insights from the explicit and parameterized convection experiments. Abstracts of the 5th International Workshop on Non-hydrostatic Models: 70-71, November, Chiyoda-ku. (poster)
Yamazaki, T. and Takahashi, H.G. 2018. An oceanic impact of the Kuroshio path on snowfall on the Kanto region of Japan in the cold season. Abstracts of the 5th International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Models: 72, November, Chiyoda-ku. (poster)
Takahashi, H.G., Watanabe, S., Suzuki, K. and Takemura, T. 2018. An impact of aerosols on the hydrological cyclone of the atmospheric branch -Decomposition based on physical processes. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2018 Autumn Meeting 114: 80, November, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi H.G. 2018. Long-term changes in the interannual variation and the extremes of the seasonal precipitation of the Asian summer monsoon in the 20th century. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2018 Fall Meeting 114: 245, October, Sendai. (poster, in Japanese)
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi H.G. 2018. Projected future changes in the Asian summer monsoon precipitation in d4PDF. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2018 Fall Meeting 114: 454, October, Sendai. (poster, in Japanese)
Yamaji, M., Takahashi, H.G., Kubota, T., Oki, R., Hamada, A. and Takayabu, Y.N. 2018. Drop size distribution observed by dual-frequency precipitation radar onboard global precipitation measurement core satellite. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2018 Fall Meeting 114: 510, October, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Hoshi, R. and Takahashi, H.G. 2018. A long-term change of lag-relationship between the Arctic Oscillation in winter and the succeeding summer climate. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2018 Autumn Meeting 114: 266, October, Sendai. (poster, in Japanese)
Matsuura, K and Takahashi, H.G. 2018. Projected change of tropical cyclones including weak tropical disturbance in Northwest Pacific. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2018 Autumn Meeting 114: 457, October, Sendai. (poster, in Japanese)
Takahashi, H.G. 2018. A preliminary study on reproducibility of rainfall characteristics in CMIP5‐GCMs over the tropics. A workshop on tropical meteorology, September, Nagoya. (in Japanese)
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi H.G. 2018. Projected future changes in the interannual variation of the Asian summer monsoon precipitation and its extremes in a large ensemble experiment. A workshop on tropical meteorology, September, Nagoya. (in Japanese)
Konduru, R.T. and Takahashi, H.G. 2018. Realistic simulation of Indian summer monsoon rainfall in convection permitting weather research forecasting model. Abstracts of Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018: ACG37-P02, May, Chiba. (poster)
Konduru, R.T. and Takahashi, H.G. 2018. Continental-scale convection permitting simulation of the Indian summer monsoon: Model simulation dependency on convection or grid resolution. The 2nd GEWEX (Global energy and water exchange) Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling, Boulder, USA.
Yamaji, M., Kubota, T., Takahashi, H. G., Hamada, A., Takayabu, Y. N. and Oki, R. 2018. Drop size distribution observed by dual-frequency precipitation radar onboard global precipitation measurement core satellite. Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Interactions VII. International Society for Optics and Photonics 10782: 107820H. doi 10.1117/12.2324640.
Takahashi, H.G. 2018: A preliminaly analysis of future changes in the tropical Asian monsoon rainfall by NICAM-AMIP experiment. A workshop on tropical meteorology, March, Fukuoka. (in Japanese)
Takahashi, H.G. 2018: Challenges for a systematic understanding of the precipitation process in Asian countries, The International Post-MAHASRI Planning Workshop, March, Chiyoda.
Takahashi, H.G. 2018: An interannual variation of summer precipitation over Southeast Asia and its association with the tropical cyclone activity along the monsoon trough. The 3rd International Workshop on “Climate Change and Precipitation in the East Asia”, February, Chiyoda.
Hoshi, R., and Takahashi, H.G. 2018. A lag-relationship between the Arctic Oscillation in winter and the succeeding summer climate in the Northern Hemisphere. Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Reserch, G01-P03, January, Chiyoda.(Poster)
Kondoru, R. T., Gupta, A., Matsumoto, J. and Takahashi, H. G. 2017. On the recent warming in the sub-cloud layer entropy and vertically integrated moist static energy over South Asian Monsoon region. American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting: A13C-2076, December, New Orleans, USA. (Poster)
Takahashi, H.G. 2018: Potential predictability of the interannual variation of summer rainfall over the Asian monsoon region,ISEE (Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research) Workshop: Approaches for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Environmental Studies in Asia-Oceania, November, Nagoya. (in Japanese)
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi, H. G. 2017. Long-term changes in the interannual variation of the Asian summer monsoon precipitation under global warming projected by CMIP5 models. The Sixth WMO International Workshop on Monsoons and Abstract Book: 251, November, Singapore. (Poster)
Takahashi, H.G., and J. Mae B. Dado. 2017: Relationship between sea surface temperature and rainfall in the Philippines during the Asian summer monsoon. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2017 Autumn Meeting 112: 333, October, Sapporo. (in Japanese) (Poster)
Abiko, S,. and Takahashi, H.G. 2017. Long-term change of interannual variation of snowfall in Japan and its foctors. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2017 Autumn Meeting 112: 470, November, Sapporo. (in Japanese) (Poster)
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi, H. G. 2017. Future changes in the extremes of the seasonal precipitation of the Asian summer monsoon and its asymmetric nature. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2017 Autumn Meeting 112: 132, October, Sapporo. (in Japanese) (Poster)
Hoshi, R., and Takahashi, H.G. 2017. A lag-relationship between the Arctic Oscillation in winter and the succeeding summer climate in the Northern Hemisphere. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2017 Autumn Meeting 112: 137, October, Sapporo. (in Japanese) (Poster)
Yamazaki, T. and Takahashi, H.G. 2017. Influence of terrain on the formation of low temperature field during snowfall event in the Kanto region. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2017 Autumn Meeting 112: 299, October, Sapporo. (in Japanese) (Poster)
Matsumoto, J., Takahashi, H.G., Dado, J.M.B., Nguyen-Le D. and Marcelino Villafuerte, M.Q. 2017. Climate of the Philippines and the sea surface temperature effect on summer monsoon rainfall. Abstracts, International Workshop on Climate Downscaling Studies, 47, October, Tsukuba.
Takahashi, H.G. and Sugimoto, S. 2017. Impact of soil moisture over the tropical Asian monsoon region on rainfall characteristics around the summer monsoon onset. Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2017 Spring Meeting 91: 190, March, Tsukuba. (in Japanese)
Dado, J.M. and Takahashi, H.G. 2016. Potential impact of sea surface temperature on rainfall over the western Philippines. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, A13F-0351, December, San Francisco, U.S.A. (Poster)
Takahashi, H.G., Adachi, S. and Sato, T. 2016. Impact of sea surface temperature over the Kuroshio on interannual variation of regional climate over the Pacific Coast of Japan in summer. Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 90: 173, October, Sendai. (in Japanese) (Poster)
Takahashi, H.G., Adachi, S. and Sato, T. 2016. Impact of sea surface temperature over the Kuroshio on interannual variation of regional climate over the Pacific Coast of Japan in summer: Regional H2O Greenhouse Gas Effect. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2016 Autumn Meeting 110: 372, October, Nagoya. (in Japanese) (Poster)
Abiko, S., Takahashi, H.G. and Matsumoto, J. 2016. The relationship between snow depth in Japan and atmospheric environment, and its interannual variations. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2016 Autumn Meeting 110: 258, October, Nagoya. (in Japanese) (Poster)
Sugimoto, S. and Takahashi, H.G. 2016. The WRF Performances for Precipitation Characteristics and Precipitation-Soil Moisture Coupling over South Asian Countries. Program and Abstracts, The International Science Conference on MAHASRI: 98, March, Hachioji. (Poster)
Dado, J.M. and Takahashi, H.G. 2016. Sea Surface Temperature variability and its relationship to Rainfall over western Philippines. Program and Abstracts, The International Science Conference on MAHASRI: 77, March, Hachioji. (Poster)
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi, H.G. 2016. Long-term changes in the interannual variation of the Asian summer monsoon precipitation under global warming in CMIP5. Program and Abstracts, The International Science Conference on MAHASRI: 89, March, Hachioji. (Poster)
Takahashi, H.G. 2015. Seasonal march of the Southeast Asian monsoon and interannual variations of rainy seasonal accumulated precipitation. The 2nd scientific 10meeting on the South Asian precipitation process, February, Sapporo.
Sugimoto, S. and Takahashi, H.G. 2015. Effects of spatial resolution and cumulus convection parameterization on precipitation characteristics over the South Asian region. The 2nd scientific meeting on the South Asian precipitation process, February, Sapporo.
Takahashi, H.G. and S. Sugimoto 2015. Response of precipitation characteristics to soil moisture over the wet tropical regions. The Scientific meeting on land-atmosphere interaction, November, Hachioji.
Sugimoto, S. and Takahashi, H.G. 2015. Evaluation of atmospheric surface temperature controlled by soil moisture over the Sichuan Basin. The Scientific meeting on land-atmosphere interaction, November, Hachioji.
Takahashi, H.G. and S. Sugimoto. 2015. Modulation by intraseasonal disturbances of diurnal precipitation systems over the western coast of the Indochina Peninsula. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2015 Autumn Meeting 108: 54, October, Kyoto. (in Japanese)
Matsumoto, J., Sugimoto, S. and Takahashi, H.G.. 2015. Topography, land surface condition, and precipitation in tropical monsoon Asia. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2015 Autumn Meeting 108: 51, October, Kyoto. (in Japanese)
Sugimoto, S. and Takahashi, H.G. 2015. Soil moisture impacts on regional-scale climate over China during summer. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2015 Autumn Meeting 108: A179, October, Kyoto.
Yokoyama, T., Sugimoto, S. and Takahashi, H.G. 2015. Synoptic scale analysis focused on the eastward propagation of Meso-scale convective systems generated over the Tibetan Plateau. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2015 Autumn Meeting 108: 459, October, Kyoto. (in Japanese)
Takahashi, H.G. 2015. Seasonal changes in diurnal precipitation characteristics over the Southeast Asian monsoon region using multiple precipitation datasets. Asian Conference on Meteorology 2015, October, Kyoto.
Takahashi, H.G. and S. Sugimoto. 2015. Different sensitivities of precipitation to surface condition in terms of with or without cumulus parameterization and horizontal resolution. Asian Conference on Meteorology 2015, October, Kyoto.
Takahashi, H.G. and S. Watanabe. 2015. An estimation of direct and indirect effect of aerosols by a coupled global climate model: Different impacts between the mid-latitude and tropics. Asian Conference on Meteorology 2015, October, Kyoto.
Sugimoto, S. and Takahashi, H.G. 2015. A difference of diurnal variation in simulated precipitation characteristics with and without cloud convective schemes, Asian Conference on Meteorology 2015, October, Kyoto.
Dado, J.M., Takahashi, H.G. and Sugimoto, S. 2015. The Impact of Sea Surface Temperature on the Southwest Monsoon Rainfall over western Philippines. Asian Conference on Meteorology: October, Kyoto.
Matsumoto, J. Yamashima, R., Takata, K. and Takahashi, H.G. 2015. Impact of historical land-use changes on the seasonal changes of Indian summer monsoon. iLEAPS-Japan Symposium 2015, Reviews and Perspectives on Land-atmosphere Interaction Research with Special Emphasis on Hydrological Processes and Biogeochemical Cycles, October, Nagoya (in Japanese)
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi, H.G. 2015. Projected long-term changes in the interannual variation of the Asian summer monsoon precipitation in CMIP5. Tropical Meteorology Workshop, September, Fukushima.
Takahashi, H.G. 2015. Long-term changes in snowfall over Japan. Our Common Future under Climate Change, July, Paris, France.
Matsumoto, J., Takahashi, H.G., Ngo-Duc, T., Nguyen-Thi, H.A., Trinh-Tuan, L., Nguyen-Le, D. and Nguyen-Thi, T.B. 2015. Validation and application of GSMaP and GPM data for mitigating impact of water related disasters in Vietnam. PMM Utilization Promotion Sub-committee, Utilization Review Committee, June, Tokyo (in Japanese).
Sugimoto, S. and Takahashi, H.G. 2015. High resolution experiments to understanding soil moisture-precipitation coupling over Bangladesh and surrounding regionsHigh resolution experiments. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2015 Spring Meeting 107: C455, May, Tsukuba.
Sugimoto, S., and Takahashi, H.G. 2015. Impacts of soil moisture on precipitation over Bangladesh and its surrounding areas. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, April, Vienna, Austria.
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi, H.G. 2015. Future changes of interannual variation of the Asian summer monsoon precipitation using the CMIP5. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, April, Vienna, Austria.
Takahashi, H.G. 2015. Role of Tropical Cyclones along the Monsoon Trough in the 2011 Thai Flood and Interannual Variability. Asian Monsoon Hydroclimate -Review of MAHASRI and Beyond-, March, Nagoya.
Takahashi, H.G., M. Fujita, M. Hara, and K. Masuda 2014. Interannual variability in precipitable water and water vapor recycling in the observation, reanalyses, and CMIP5 models. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2014 Autumn Meeting 106:487, October, Fukuoka. (in Japanese)
Takahashi, H.G., S. Watanabe, K. Takata, 2014. An estimation of direct and indirect effect of aerosols using MIROC-ESM: Difference between the tropics and mid-latitudes. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2014 Autumn Meeting 106:260, October, Fukuoka. (in Japanese)
Sugimoto S. and Takahashi G. H. 2014. Impact of soil moisture on precipitation over Bangladesh and its surrounding areas. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2014 Autumn Meeting 106: 370, October, Fukuoka.
Kamizawa, N. and Takahashi, H.G. 2014. The future changes of the precipitation of the Asian summer monsoon precipitation projected by the CMIP5 models. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2014 Autumn Meeting 106: 243, October, Fukuoka. (in Japanese)
Ninomiya, D. and Takahashi, H.G. 2014. Long-term change of the seasonal variability of the winter Asia monsoon. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2014 Autumn Meeting 106: 482, October, Fukuoka. (in Japanese)
Yamaji. M. and Takahashi, H.G. 2014. Asymmetrical interannual variation in aerosol optical depth over the tropics in terms of aerosol-cloud interaction. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2014 Autumn Meeting 106: 240, October, Fukuoka. (in Japanese)
Yokoyama, T., Takahashi, H.G. and Sugimoto, S. 2014. Statistical study of convective activity occurred and moved eastward over the Tibetan Plateau. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2014 Autumn Meeting 106: 242, October, Fukuoka. (in Japanese)
Takahashi, H.G. and Matsumoto, J. 2014. Long-term variability and year-to-year variability in heavy snowfall over Japan in winter. Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2013 Autumn Meeting 86: 159, September, Toyama. (in Japanese)
Takahashi, H.G., 2014. Trend and variability in column-integrated water vapor and water vapor recycling. 7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle, July, Hague, Netherland.
Takahashi, H.G. and H. Fujinami 2014. Role of tropical cyclone activity in interannual variation of the summer precipitation over the Southeast Asian monsoon region. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2014 Spring Meeting 105: 90, May, Yokohama. (in Japanese)
Matsumoto, J., Kubota, H., Endo, N., Villafuerte II, M.Q., Suzuki, H., Takahashi, H.G., Akasaka, I., Cinco, T.A. and Zaiki, M. 2014. Climatic data rescue in Southeast Asia and Japan. International ASEAN SACA&D Conference and Workshop 2014 (IASCW-2014), May, Bogor, Indonesia.
Matsumoto, J., Hamada, J.-I., Takahashi, H. G., Hashiguchi, H. and Yamashita, K. 2014. Integrated observational study for thunderstorm over the Tokyo metropolitan area. Mission Symposium of Sustainable Humanosphere, March, Uji.
Takahashi, H.G. 2014. A high-resolution long-term downscaling experiment over the Indocina Peninsula and its application to agriculture. The 3rd International Workshop of Climatic Changes and Their Effects on Agriculture in Asian Monsoon Region, March, Bali, Indonesia.
Katayama, R., Takahashi, H.G. and Yamaji, M. 2014. Interannual variation in aerosol optical depth over the Asian monsoon region. 16th CEReS Symposium on Environmental Remote Sensing, February, Chiba.
Takahashi, H.G. and Idenaga, T. 2013. Impact of SST on Precipitation and Snowfall on the Sea of Japan Side in the Winter Monsoon Season: Timescale Dependency. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2013 Autumn Meeting 104: 466, November, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Takahashi, H.G., Adachi, S. A., Hara, M., Ma, X. and Kimura, F. 2013. The impact of sea surface temperature on the interannual variation in surface air temperature over Tokyo and Nagoya. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2013 Autumn Meeting 104: 240, November, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Adachi, S. A., Hara, M., Takahashi, H.G., Ma, X., Yoshikane, T., Kimura, F., Matsuhashi, K. and Ariga, T. 2013. The effect of landuse changes based on a future population projection on a future regional climate over Nagoya. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2013 Autumn Meeting 104: 241, November, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Hara, M., Fujita, M. and Takahashi, H.G.. 2013. The relationship between diurnal precipitation cycle and land-surface condition over the tropics. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2013 Autumn Meeting 104: 166, November, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Katayama, R. and Takahashi, H.G. 2013. Seasonal variation of aerosol optical depth and its association with precipitation activity over monsoon Asia. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2013 Autumn Meeting 104: 189, November, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Machida, S., Takahashi, H.G. and Matsumoto, J. 2013. The distribution and temporal changes of cloud around the Nagoya city on fine days in summer. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2013 Autumn Meeting 104: 304, November, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Ninomiya, D., Takahashi, H.G. 2013. Long-term change of the seasonal variability of the winter Asia monsoon. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2013 Autumn Meeting 104: 455, November, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Okuhara, K., Matsumoto, J., Takahashi, H.G. 2013. Westerly wind bursts and their relationship with ENSO and IOD. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2013 Autumn Meeting 104: 479, November, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Yamaji, M., Takahashi, H.G. and Matsumoto, J. 2013. Interannual variability of aerosol-cloud-precipitation based on satellite observations. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2013 Autumn Meeting 104: 501, November, Sendai. (in Japanese)
Matsumoto, J., Suzuki, H., Otsuka, M., Fujibe, F., Yamamoto, Hirotsugu, Yamamoto Haruhiko, Akasaka, I., Kubota, H., Endo, N., Takahashi, H.G. and Hirano, J. and Zaiki, M. 2013. Data rescue and long-term climatic changes in Asia. International Geographical Union Kyoto Regional Conference 2013, August, Kyoto.
Matsumoto, J., Villafuerte II, M.Q., Akasaka, I., Kubota, H. and Takahashi, H.G. 2013. Long-term trends and variability of rainfall extremes in the Philippines and their relationship with ENSO and monsoon. International Geographical Union Kyoto Regional Conference 2013, August, Kyoto.
Sakai, D., Takahashi, H.G., Matsumoto, J. and Mizuta, R. 2013. Future change of pressure patterns and their frequencies during extremely hot temperature events in August in Japan simulated by MRI-AGCM3.2H. The International Geographical Union 2013 Kyoto Regional Conference, August, Kyoto.
Matsumoto, J., Wang, B., Wu, G.-X., Li, J.-P., Wu, P.-M., Ogino, S.-Y., Mori, S., Yamanaka, M.D., Endo, N., Kubota, H., Xu, J., Hattori, M., Inoue, T., Koike, T., Tamagawa, K., Ikoma, E., Kinutani, H., Wang, D., Kamahori, H., Kamiguchi, K., Oki, T., Satomura, T., Higuchi, A., Kanae, S., Takahashi, H.G. and Yasunari, T. 2013. MAHASRI, AMY and Future Earth. The Third International MAHASRI/HyARC Workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle: 1-4 (Invited), August, Da Nang, Vietnam.
Matsumoto, J., Villafuerte II, M.Q., Akasaka, I., Kubota, H., Endo, N., Zaiki, M., Takahashi, H.G., Inoue, T. and Hirano, J. 2013. Long-term climate changes based on the climate data prior to the first half of the 20th century in Southeast Asia. Abstracts of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2013 Spring Meeting 103: 163, May, Tokyo. (in Japanese)
Mizoguchi, M., Takahashi, H.G., Matsumoto, J., Tanaka, K. and Kuwagata, T. 2013. Global data utilization for climatic changes and evaluation of their effects on agriculture in Asian monsoon region. Abstracts of Japan Geoscience Union 2013 Meeting: U02-10 (CD-ROM), May, Chiba.
Ngo-Duc, T., Matsumoto, J., Kamimera, H., Hai B.-H. and Takahashi, H.G. 2013. Performance of the GSMaP data over Vietnam and a case study of its correction by using artificial neutral networks. Abstracts of Japan Geoscience Union 2013 Meeting: ACG39-07 (CD-ROM), May, Chiba.
Villafuerte II, M.Q., Matsumoto, J., Akasaka, I., Takahashi, H.G. and Cinco, T.A. 2013. Spatiotemporal variability and trends of rainfall extremes in the Philippines: Linkage with ENSO and monsoon. Japan Geoscience Union 2013 Meeting: AHW02-P04, 19-24, May, Chiba.
Sakai, D., Takahashi, H.G., Matsumoto, J. and Mizuta, R. 2013. Future change in pressure patterns during extremely hot temperature events in August in Japan predicted by MRI-AGCM3.2H. Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2012 Spring Meeting 83: 337, March, Kumagaya. (in Japanese)
Matsumoto, J., Villafuerte M., Takahashi, H.G., Akasaka, I. and Kubota, H. 2013. Long-term trends and variability of rainfall extremes in the Philippines. The Second International Workshop of Climatic Changes and Their Effects on Agriculture in Asian Monsoon Region. March, Baguio, Phillipines.
Sakai, D., Takahashi, H. G., Matsumoto, J. and Mizuta, R. 2013. Future change of pressure patterns during extremely hot temperature events in August in Japan predicted by MRI-AGCM3.2H. The Second International Workshop of Climatic Changes and Their Effects on Agriculture in Asian Monsoon Region. March, Baguio, Philippines.
Aiba, Y., Takahashi, H.G. and Matsumoto, J. 2013. Seasonal variations of convective activity over the Australian monsoon region. 15th CEReS Symposium on Environmental Remote Sensing, February, Chiba.
Takahashi, H. G., Fujita, M. and Hara, M. 2012. Inter-comparison of precipitable water among reanalyses and its effect on downscaling in the tropics. AGU Fall meeting, December, San Francisco, USA.
Tsugawa, M., Adachi, S. A., Takahashi, H. G., Hara, M., Yoshikane, T. and Kimura, F. 2012. Effect of the Ise Bay SST on the summer air temperature of the Nagoya urban area, AGU Fall meeting, December, San Francisco, USA.
Aiba, Y., Takahashi, H.G. and Matsumoto, J. 2012. Seasonal differences of cloud activity between the pre-monsoon and monsoon periods over the Australian monsoon region. The 4th TRMM and GPM International Science Conference, November, Tokyo.
Matsumoto, J., Villafuerte, M., Takahashi, H.G., Akasaka, I. and Kubota, H. 2012. Trends and variability in rainfall characteristics in the Philippines. Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2012 Autumn Meeting 82: 113, October, Kobe. (in Japanese)
Takahashi, H. G., Adachi, S. A., Tsugawa, M., Yoshikane, T., and Kimura, F. 2012. Preliminary analysis on impact of SST over an inner bay on urban climate in summer. Proceedings of 2012 Annual Conference, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources: 244-245, September, Hiroshima. (in Japanese)
Villafuerte, M.Q. II, Matsumoto, J., Takahashi, H.G., Akasaka, I. and Kubota, H. 2012. Trends and variability in monsoon rainfall extremes in the Philippines. Monsoon Asia Agro-environmental Research Consortium (MARCO) Symposium, September, Tsukuba.
Matsumoto, J., Uchiyama, S., Takahashi, H.G., Yamane., Y., Takahashi, H. and Kanamori, H. 2012. Climatological lightning frequency over Asian-Australian monsoon region observed by TRMM-LIS. Abstracts of Japan Geoscience Union 2012 Meeting: HTT08-08(CD-ROM), May, Chiba. (Invited)
Takahashi, H. G., Hara, M., Yoshikane, T. and Fujita, M. 2012. A discrepancy in precipitable water among the major reanalyses over tropics and its effect on downscaling. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2012, April 22-27, Vienna, Austria.
Takahashi, H. G., H-J. Kim, Tanaka, K., Takata, K., Saito, K. and Yasunari, T. 2012. Sensitivity study on the impacts of biogenic VOC on the Asian monsoon climate in dry and wet seasons using MIROC5. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2012, April, Vienna, Austria.
Fujita, M., Hara, M. and Takahashi, H. G. 2012. Diurnal cycle of precipitation over the eastern Indian Ocean off Sumatra Island during different IOD phases. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2012, April, Vienna, Austria.